Urban Forestry means the planning, establishment, protection, and management of trees & associated plants, individually, in small groups, or under forest conditions within cities, their suburbs, and towns. (As defined by the Cooperative Forestry Act of 1978)
Because this definition of Urban Forestry stretches beyond large metropolitan, “urban” areas, a more descriptive title is “Urban and Community Forestry.”
Another term that is often used when talking about Urban and Community Forestry (U&CF) is “Arboriculture”. Arboriculture is the science of tree planting and maintenance and is a major component of U&CF. Professional tree trimmers are labeled “arborists” and can become certified through the International Society of Aboriculture.
The State of Utah runs a U&CF program within the Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands. The state offers technical assistance and grant opportunities to cities and towns seeking to improve their community forests. For more information on the Utah Urban Forestry Program contact: Jeran Farley, Urban, and Community Forestry Coordinator, at jlfarley@utah.gov