Burn Permits and Fire Code

Utah State Law (65A-8-211) and DEQ Rule specifies the times, places, and conditions during which the public may carry out burning operations on private land. The closed fire season from June to November has one set of rules, while the rest of the year has another set of rules with some potentially tricky aspects. Don’t find out about burn permits and notifications after fire crews respond to your property on a report of smoke.

Depending on the type of burning and where it takes place, a permit is not always needed. Several types of fire are exempt from some laws and rules; however, notification to your local fire department is always required.

Burning Instructions

  1. Find out what kind of burn permit is required by consulting the matrix below.
  2. Check the weather and if wind is in the forecast, do not proceed
  3. Put in any needed fuel breaks and have a plan if your fire gets out of control.
  4. Debris should be out in the open and not near structures or under trees that may catch fire.
  5. Have a water supply available.
  6. Tend the fire at all times (failure to do so is a Class B Misdemeanor).
  7. Notify your local fire department dispatch (failure to do so is a Class B Misdemeanor).
  8. You are liable for the costs if your fire escapes control.
  9. Fires must be out cold before leaving the scene (failure to do so is a Class B Misdemeanor).
  10. Obtain DAQ Air Quality Permit

DAQ rules governing open burning can be found in the Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R307-202. This rule allows open burning of clippings, bushes, plants, and prunings from trees incident to property and residential clean-up activities, once certain conditions have been met. For details, see DAQ Open Burning.

Consult the Burn Permit Matrix Below to find out what you need to get a burn permit at different times of year.

Burn Permit Matrix

During Closed Fire Season (June 1 to Oct 31)

June through October
Agriculture Fenceline
or Ditch/Canal
Burning Permitted With Notification Made to Nearest Fire Department
Other Agricultural not
a Fenceline or Ditch/Canal
Permit Required From Fire Warden or County Sheriff
Non-AgriculturalBurning Not Permitted Due to Closed Fire Season
Trash, Oil, Tires, Lands
Where Forest, Watershed or
Rangeland Threatened
Burning Not Permitted

During Other Months (Open Fire Season Nov 1 to May 31)

November through May
AgriculturalBurning Permitted With Notification Made to Nearest Fire Department
Non-AgriculturalBurning Not Permitted (November through March).
April and May (After Notifying Nearest Fire Department, Burning
Allowed As Long As It Falls Within The 30-Day Window Established By The County)
Trash, Oil, Tires, Lands
Where Forest, Watershed or
Rangeland Threatened
Burning Not Permitted

Burn Permit Application Information for counties in Utah

2006 Utah Wildland Urban Interface Code

Wildland-Urban Interface Code cover page

Contact Lloyd Evans with any questions.
Phone: 385-414-1108 E-mail