Great Salt Lake Research Grants

Request for Grant Applications 2025

The Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands (“Division”) requested proposals for research projects that will further knowledge of Great Salt Lake (“GSL”). Research projects will provide lake managers with a better understanding of the complexities of GSL in order to best inform management decisions. Research project deliverables will be publicly accessible for use and dissemination.

The “hot topics” the Great Salt Lake Technical Team addressed with this round of funding were:

  1. Impacts of Water Level and Water Quality on GSL Biota
  2. Mapping, Surveying, and Data Repository
  3. Ecosystem Dynamics
  4. Water Budget and In-Lake Routing

The application deadline has closed for 2024. Stay tuned for 2025 application information. 

Successful applicants will be awarded by July 2025. 

Please contact Angela Gong, with any questions.

Request for Grant Applications 2024

The Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, Fire & State Lands at the recommendation of the Research and Grants subcommittee of the Great Salt Lake Technical Team awarded grants for research project work on the Great Salt Lake. Proposals came from universities, government agencies, and private consulting and/or research firms.

The “hot topics” the Great Salt Lake Technical Team addressed with this round of funding were:

  1. Impacts of Water Level and Water Quality on GSL Biota
  2. Mapping, Surveying, and Data Repository
  3. Ecosystem Dynamics
  4. Water Budget and In-Lake Routing

Request for Grant Applications 2023

The Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, Fire & State Lands at the recommendation of the Research and Grants subcommittee of the Great Salt Lake Technical Team awarded grants for research project work on the Great Salt Lake. Proposals came from universities, government agencies, and private consulting and/or research firms.

The “hot topics” the Great Salt Lake Technical Team addressed with this round of funding were:

  1. Causeway breach flow
  2. Microbialites
  3. Water delivery to GSL wetlands
  4. Wetland health and shorebird use
  5. GSL and dust
  6. Lakebed mapping

Request for Grant Applications 2022

The Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, Fire & State Lands at the recommendation of the Research and Grants subcommittee of the Great Salt Lake Technical Team awarded grants for research project work on the Great Salt Lake. Proposals came from universities, government agencies, and private consulting and/or research firms.

The “hot topics” the Great Salt Lake Technical Team addressed with this round of funding were:

  1. Great Salt Lake salt mass balance
  2. Nest success on Great Salt Lake marshes
  3. Assessing water delivery and water needs of Great Salt Lake wetlands
  4. Native wetland revegetation to restore wetland habitat
  5. Invasive plants in wetlands
  6. Sources of microplastics to Great Salt Lake
  7. Water banking to increase or maintain flows to Great Salt Lake
  8. Archaeological investigation

Request for Grant Applications 2021

The Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, Fire & State Lands at the recommendation of the Research and Grants subcommittee of the Great Salt Lake Technical Team awarded grants for research project work on the Great Salt Lake. Proposals came from universities, government agencies, and private consulting and/or research firms.

The “hot topics” the Great Salt Lake Technical Team addressed with this round of funding were:

  1. Gunnison Bay salt crust
  2. Great Salt Lake waterfowl production
  3. Wetland revegetation and restoring ecosystem services
  4. Microbial primary production
  5. Quantifying the connection between groundwater input to Great Salt Lake and active microbialite communities
  6. Groundwater and shoreline surface crust mechanics
  7. Modeling the flow through the openings in the causeway

Request for Grant Applications 2020

The Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, Fire & State Lands at the recommendation of the Research and Grants subcommittee of the Great Salt Lake Technical Team awarded grants for research project work on the Great Salt Lake. Proposals came from universities, government agencies, and private consulting and/or research firms.

The “hot topics” the Great Salt Lake Technical Team addressed with this round of funding were:

  1. Effects of low lake levels on air quality
  2. Salt balance in Great Salt Lake
  3. Dynamics of the deep brine layer
  4. Heavy metal distribution in soils and plants of Great Salt Lake wetlands
  5. Wetland revegetation and restoring ecosystem services
  6. Causeway flow
  7. Farmington Bay inundation
  8. Microplastics in the Great Salt Lake

State of Utah Fiscal Years run from July 1 to June 30 of the following year.