The Lone Peak Hotshots are a nationally recognized Type 1 Interagency Hotshot Crew (IHC), based out of the Lone Peak Conservation Center (LPCC), in Draper, Utah. The crew is hosted and sponsored by the Utah Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands (FFSL).
Season Overview
Each year Lone Peak’s season starts with two weeks of critical training from mid-April to the beginning of May. After completing at least 80 hours of critical training and a complex base review, the crew will go available for national dispatch around May 1st. Lone Peak is unique in the fact that they must be available nationally for dispatch 180 days each year and seasonal employees may work up to 12 months each season. This can lead to a long wildfire season where overtime hours exceeding 1,000 are common.
Wildland fire suppression is the number one priority of the Lone Peak Hotshots. However, when the fire season is slow, the crew will assist with fuels reduction and other natural resources based projects commonly referred to as “project work”. This additional work allows the crew to remain in top operating and physical condition.
Crew Dynamics
The crew operates with twenty-five people separated into two squads following a chain of command. With the Superintendent in charge, each squad has its respective captain, squad boss, and lead firefighter with two saw teams and four crew members filling out the ranks. In all, seven permanent full-time staff members provide supervision to sixteen seasonal crew members each fire season.
The Lone Peak Hotshots are an integral part of a large number of wildland firefighting resources operating out of LPCC. With another hotshot crew, two T2IA handcrews and two Type 3 engines, there are many cross-training opportunities available. In addition to internal opportunities, LPCC has working relationships with many outside organization where further experience and training can be acquired. Throughout the season the crew may send and receive members in a continuous effort to increase qualifications.
The Lone Peak Hotshots are one of only three non-federal IHC programs in the nation. They were the first all civilian, state-sponsored, interagency hotshot crew in the nation.
Since the inception of the Lone Peak Hotshots, the crew has developed into a professional and respected resource in the fire community. Everyday strides are made to improve not only the crew but the LPCC program as a whole. If you have any questions for the Lone Peak Hotshots, please feel free to contact us at any time at
Superintendents of the Lone Peak Hotshots:
- Christian Berninger: 2019 – Present
- Darren O’Loughlin: 2016 – 2018
- Kris Bruington: 2011 – 2015
- Donny Bennett: 2010
- Mathew Armantrout: 2006 – 2009
- Joel Butcher: 2005
- Scott Bovey: 2001-2004 (Inaugural season of Lone Peak Hotshots)
- Scott Bovey: 2000 (Flame-N-Go Hotshots)
- Gary Peck: 1994- 1999 (Flame-N-Go Hotshots)
- Tracy Dunford: 1989 – 1993 (Flame-N-Go Hotshots)
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